The Pixels

Elemental Video Game Critiques

Xbox One

8 min read

They Are Billions is clearly a solid game with an interesting concept that’s executed well. It’s also clearly not meant to be played on console.

9 min read

If Katamari is an ice cream sundae with all the fixings, Donut County is a scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt with some multicolored sprinkles.

17 min read

With Gordon Ramsay-like culinary expertise and barely concealed existential rage, the Sometimes Vaguely Philosophical Mage takes a peek at Overcooked! 2, which may or may not be as good as the first one.

9 min read

“Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.”

10 min read

“Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.” -Maurits Cornelis Escher    …

14 min read

“Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without traveling.”
-Roman Payne, The Wanderess

10 min read

“I am not omniscient, but I know a lot.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust: First Part

11 min read

“Negative space is important. When I teach students to read critically I advise them to look for what the author isn’t saying just as carefully as for what he or she is.”
-Aaron Belz

3 min read

“But here I am in July, and why am I thinking about Christmas pudding? Probably because we always pine for what we do not have. The winter seems cozy and romantic in the hell of summer, but hot beaches and sunlight are what we yearn for all winter.”
-Joanna Franklin Bell

17 min read

“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!”
―Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

9 min read

“I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially the ones that deal with fantasy, is you stop caring at some point because you’ve lost human scale.”
-Harrison Ford

14 min read

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.”
-Vincent van Gogh

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