I recently had the opportunity to re-accessorize and re-organize my game room and it looks better than ever, courtesy of custom shelving by @syncoplay.
Despite my multiple frustrations, countless deaths, and whispered curses every time Mike took forever to turn around, StarTropics is a game I’m glad I stuck out to the end.
It is time to ask ourselves: is game quality improving? I approach this question through the lens of averages and total releases across platforms.
“We wake and whisper awhile,
But, the day gone by,
Silence and sleep like fields
Of amaranth lie.”
-Walter de La Mare
“But here I am in July, and why am I thinking about Christmas pudding? Probably because we always pine for what we do not have. The winter seems cozy and romantic in the hell of summer, but hot beaches and sunlight are what we yearn for all winter.”
-Joanna Franklin Bell