‘Ere she is! Introducing the Game Room World Tour, a collab for everyone!
As I’ve grown and my life’s changed and done all those things that lives tend to do as part of the inevitable passage of time, I’ve come to love games for different reasons.
I have played some fantastic video games in 2018. I have also missed out on many, for which I daily inflict upon myself lashings and floggings. But I’m glad I got to play this one.
2018 was a good year for video games, indeed many exceptional titles were bequeathed upon our undeserving souls.
The TWRM GOTY 2018 Collab has begun! This special event consists of multiple writers making their best cases for their picks for GOTY 2018. Check out each article posted daily from the 1st through the 12th and listen to their points, then on January 13th you will have the opportunity to vote on which game you think should be crowned TWRM GOTY of 2018!