The Pixels

Elemental Video Game Critiques


25 min read

“The chief beauty about time
is that you cannot waste it in advance.
The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,
as perfect, as unspoiled,
as if you had never wasted or misapplied
a single moment in all your life.”
―Arnold Bennett

4 min read

Today, I’d like to talk about an element of video gaming that is virtually not to be found among the classics. This is something that is a thorn in the side of modern gamers, something that reeks of calculated, corporate greed.

4 min read

I’ve been through two PlayStation One’s that stopped working because of lens problems, two PlayStation 2’s, a slim and a regular black one, that just decided they had had enough, an Xbox that cried itself to sleep, a Gamecube that became a paperweight, and a PS3 that’s rapidly deteriorating and recently refuses indomitably to run even its own PS Store.

But you know what? My Super Nintendo still works. In fact, it works just fine. Works better than my PS3.

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