The Mages Pages


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NOTE: All statements expressed by contributing authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect beliefs and opinions held by the Well-Red Mage.




↓ Click on a mage to view their works! ↓

The Well-Red Mage

White Out Mage right The White Out Mage

timemage The Timely Mage

Green Screen Mage right The Green Screen Mage

blackmage The Black Humor Mage

 The Silver Screen Mage

 The Shamrock Show Mage

White Mage 8-bit right The Writing Beige Mage

 The Red Hot Chili Mage

 The Midnight Mystic Mage

 The Evergreen Sage Mage

ff3-nes-viking1 The Bearded Board Mage

Monk-ff1-nes The Magenta Martial Arts Mage

 The Spoony Bard Mage

 The Moronic Cheese Mage

 The Final Fourteenth Mage

SegaMage1 copy The Hopeful Sega Mage

 The Brave Blue Mage

 The Dapper Zaffre Mage

 The Over-Caffeinated Nostalgia Mage

 The Purple Prose Mage

InfernalMage The Infernal Accountant Mage

 The Iron Mage

 The Valiant Vision Mage

 The Badly Backlogged Mage

 The Livid Lightning Mage

 The Wonderland Dragoon Mage

coffeemage The Hyperactive Coffee Mage

abxy1 The ABXY Mage

FF3-NES-Scholar The Sometimes Vaguely Philosophical Mage

bluemoon The Blue Moon Mage

FF3-NES-Geomancer The Optimistically Sentimental Alabaster Mage

beermage2.png The Beer Mage

bizzaroforwebsite.png The Bizzaro Mage

inkstainedmage The Ink-Stained Mage

ssmango The Smarmy Smango Mage

cba1 The Middle-aged Horror Mage

keeper The Keeper of the Darkness Flame Mage

bookwarm The Bookwarm Mage

silversentinel The Silver Sentinel Mage

Blood The Blood-Stained Metal Mage

gunslinger The Gunslinger Mage

kinglymage The Kingly Yellow Mage

EarthMage The Off-Centered Earth Mage

regionalexclusive The Regional Exclusive Mage

ff3-nes-bard The Wandering Mage

normalmage2.png The Normal Mage

newageretromage The New Age Retro Mage

nightmoon.png The Indecisive Night Mage

slipstream The Slipstream Mage

techiemage The Techie Mage

PFF_Arithmetician_M copy The Arcade Mage

thundermage.png The Thunder Mage

8ROstkDx The One-Winged Mage

teal.png The Teal Time Mage

bcmage1 The Backlog Crusader Mage

ff3-nes-sage.png-copy The Z Note Mage

The Tickled Pink Mage

 The Lambda Mage

 The Laughing Mage

Rage Mage right The Rage Mage