You are special and you’re interesting. We all are. Nobody walks out of this life without some stories.
Bill Tucker
What’s the difference between expectations and entitlement? That’s important to know in today’s age of internet outrage.
Mario Paint (SNES) joins the Super Mario Multiverse for MAR10, 2020: celebrating the history, inspiration, imagination, and joy of Super Mario!
Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) joins the Super Mario Multiverse for MAR10, 2020: celebrating the history, inspiration, imagination, and joy of Super Mario!
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (GB) joins the Super Mario Multiverse for MAR10, 2020: celebrating the history, inspiration, imagination, and joy of Super Mario!
There are lots of things to fight about but we here at TWRM know that the most important battle of our age is Solitaire vs Minesweeper! Which is better?
Despite my multiple frustrations, countless deaths, and whispered curses every time Mike took forever to turn around, StarTropics is a game I’m glad I stuck out to the end.
At first glance, the participants in today’s struggle for digital dominance couldn’t be more different. In one corner, you have a Gothic-themed horror game and in other, a high flying ninja revenge quest. But a deep dive into these 8-bit classics reveal eerie similarities in design, control, and difficulty. How do these titles stack up in the crucible of Thunderdome examination?
A brand new series on TWRM: Retro Thunderdome pits two vintage games against one another, head to head, with only one surviving champion! This time it’s Mode 7 SNES sports games!