You mean you don’t have a top 365 favorites list?
Interrupted in 2021 by life-changing events, my top 365 list is back, redder and radder than ever, and ready for action! I thought I’d keep track of it not just on Twitter but at headquarters here as well. For posterity.
A lot of folks have asked me “Red, what the F is wrong with you?” Other folks have asked “Red, how do you even start making a 365 favorites list?”
It all began with a 111 favorites list, of all things, and it just kind of spiraled from there. For some reason, it’s easy for me to say what is or is not my favorite, but I understand that’s not so simple for everybody.
I just listed out a bunch of my favorite games, taking into consideration personal impact, memories, history, recency and nostalgia, and really just how much I like ’em. Then from there, I sort of organized them by favoritism. It’s not a list with finality and it kind of evolves, so that helps.
However, there’s comfort in knowing it’ll always start the same…
Time to start my list of 365 favorite games!!
365. DC Universe Online#365faves
Perpetually at the bottom, it entirely consumed me. One of the craziest experiences of my gaming career. Rival leagues. Iconic alts. Stalkers. Somebody faked their death. Almost killed MMOs for me!
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 1, 2022
364. Jaws#365faves
LJN had a bad rep and this game contributes to that but honestly it’s not atrocious. It’s an interesting 3-part gameplay system with an overworld, a shmupish part, and then a “hit the shark with your prow” segment. Plus, it’s friggin Jaws!
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 2, 2022
363. 3D Pinball Space Cadet#365faves
Literally the best PC game I knew for quite a while if the sheer amount of time I sunk into it is any indication. Sure, it’s pretty rudimentary and it’s got nothin’ on real pinball machines, but this entry is pure pure nostalgia.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 3, 2022
362. Super Ghouls ‘N Ghosts#365faves
So hard, it’s a game I’ve decided I will probably never beat (two times through, that is). But it’s 16-bit Capcom. KING! The music and animations are utterly iconic to me and the sheer challenge just adds to the undead mystique and intrigue.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 5, 2022
361. Mine Storm#365faves
I wanted to reserve a spot on my top 365 favorite games list for the good ol’ Vectrex and when it comes to Vectrex, the built-in game hits all the right buttons. Mine Storm is an Asteroids clone but ethereal vector graphics give it a haunting quality!
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 5, 2022
360. Fire Emblem Heroes#365faves
Spent quite a bit of time recently with this one. Believe it or not, it’s the only FE on my 365-entry list (cuz I haven’t played any FE). Collecting waifus and skirmishing brief little tactical battles is actually pretty fun when you go poo.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 6, 2022
359. Rampage#365faves
I’m more familiar with the NES port than the arcade version but evven still, I really enjoy it. Sure it’s repetitive but gimme co-op and I call the gigantic lizard lady for rampant destruction and devouring humans. I think it’s a creative concept.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 7, 2022
358. King’s Knight#365faves
Shmuppishness without the trains, planes, and automobiles, just a knight, wizard, thief, and lizardman thing walking north perpetually while trying to dodge stuff. I was surprised when I discovered this game and spotted Sakaguchi and Uematsu’s names.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 8, 2022
357. Nintendo Labo#365faves
Shout out to the insecure male who told me I bought trash for my kids when I got them Labo (leave it to total strangers who have no kids to know what’s best for someone else’s kids). Meanwhile, we had a blast with it together. Share gaming
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 9, 2022
356. Batman: Arkham Origins#365faves
Let’s get one thing straight. I LOVE Batman. Is there too much Batman? Maybe. But jank Batman is still mildly loveable. At least my Origins experience was pretty janky. Respect to the new cast for doing their best but Conroy and Hamill 4ever
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 12, 2022
355. Mega Man#365faves
Not my first Mega Man but where the Mega Man started. Primitive and rudimentary without some of the key traits Rock would eventually see, I still love it for its foundational qualities. It hit the ground running with excellent music. PAL got best cover.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 12, 2022
354. Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara#365faves
I’ve actually never played D&D (unless Final Fantasy counts) but I loved this once upon a time. I spy Capcom’s name and it’s an arcade beat ’em up w/ RPG touches, so that’s enough for me! Plus, secrets galore~
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 13, 2022
353. Harvest Moon#365faves
Not my first farm sim (that was Harvest Moon 64) but where it all started for a genre that somehow became a real addiction for me. It’s primitive and amoebic but the basic formula’s here, a seed that would grow into a tree of juicy gameplay tedium!
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 14, 2022
352. Panzer Dragoon: Remake#365faves
Exclusives are awesome AND I’m very grateful when a game stranded on old systems gets a new lease on life and a fresh coat of paint. This Panzer remake let me relive some fleeting moments of yesteryear and it looks elegant doing it.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 15, 2022
351. The Bridge#365faves
Based on the work of one of my favorite artists, MC Escher, The Bridge is a brain-bending logic puzzle game requiring the clever rotation of 2-dimensional spaces to safely navigate dreamscapes. Quite tough, I got stumped quite a few times for a while.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 16, 2022
350. Anticipation#365faves
I don’t always get to play vidya with wifey, but when I do, it’s usually me introducing one to her. In this case, she shared a game she loved from kidhood with me! Anticipation is a Pictionary board game where you really have to use your imagination.
— The Well-Red Mage (@theWellRedMage) January 17, 2022
Where do we go from here down the top 365? Game number 349 is popping up later today! See you on the bird app!
Red formerly ran The Well-Red Mage and now serves The Pixels as founder, writer, editor, and podcaster. He has undertaken a seemingly endless crusade to talk about the games themselves in the midst of a culture obsessed with the latest controversy, scandal, and news cycle about harassment, toxicity, and negativity. Pick out his feathered cap on Twitter @thewellredmage or Mage Cast.