When Square Enix announced Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters at E3 2021, the response from fans was not exactly enthusiastic. Many people who grew up with these games, as well as those who didn’t, clamored for years for ports to modern consoles, simple remakes, remasters, or full remakes in the vein of Final Fantasy VII Remake. When all we got was a fairly uneventful trailer that told us these brand new remasters would be coming to Steam and Mobile, all hell broke loose.
However, we’re not here to chat about the backlash or the choice of platforms Square Enix decided on, or even SE’s apparent mistreatment of its legacy franchises and/or fans. Instead, I’d like to ask what a “Pixel Remaster” even is. It appears that we got a bit of an answer last night from footage surfacing in a Japanese video featuring interviews with developers, including Sakaguchi and Uematsu (note: updated video link at 6:30pm CST 6/29/21).
The Pixel Remaster screenshots were taken from a video, so keep that in mind.
Above you’ll note a comparison of Final Fantasy VI’s iconic intro sequence featuring SNES, GBA, Mobile, and Pixel Remaster graphics.
In my opinion, it’s a huge step forward from the Mobile version and its redrawn, smoothed-down sprites. I also anticipate the final game will be clearer and crisper than the screenshot.
What interests me most is the choice of color, shading, lighting, and contrast. It appears that the Pixel Remaster is darker and therefore moodier, unlike the brighter Game Boy Advance version. In this sense, the Pixel Remaster appears more authentic to the original version of the game.
You’ll also note several embellishments: more buildings along the cliffside representing the steam city of Narshe, complete with cozy little lights in the windows. The snow and precipice themselves are also more detailed. When you compare the character sprites, though, differences become even more apparent.
Pixel Remaster
It appears to me that there’s a lack of contrast and the characters look a little flatter. This is clearest in Terra’s hair which has its brightest highlights removed and its darkest shadows brightened. The result is something which, in my view, has a little less dynamism thanks to less contrast.
Now it makes sense that FF I through III stood to gain the most from a visual upgrade. Compared to the original NES/FC graphics, they look like completely different games on a different system.
See the difference?
However, with the later FFs in the Pixel Remasters series, it seems like there’s a bit of a downgrade in order to meet somewhere in the middle. Visual consistency appears to be the theme of the Pixel Remasters project, but at what cost?
FFV Pixel Remaster
It’s a small complaint compared to the lack of console presence for what were initially console games, but it’s interesting to make the comparisons, nonetheless. Personally, I’m somewhat satisfied to know that there’s an authenticity brought to these FF remakes, though it remains to be seen what other surprises wait in store.
I think, visually, it could’ve turned out a LOT worse…
What do you think of the look of the Pixel Remasters?
Don’t forget to check out the full video.
(video screens for Pixel Remasters found via @Wario64)
(video link via @MatWBT)
Red formerly ran The Well-Red Mage and now serves The Pixels as founder, writer, editor, and podcaster. He has undertaken a seemingly endless crusade to talk about the games themselves in the midst of a culture obsessed with the latest controversy, scandal, and news cycle about harassment, toxicity, and negativity. Pick out his feathered cap on Twitter @thewellredmage or Mage Cast.
I always just thought there were plenty of remastered versions of the FFI through VI series. Heck, even FFVII got an entire remake series. Not to mention they came out with FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, and FFXII remasters. I understand for profit-reasons why it would be so lucrative to just continuously work on making the original versions look more “updated” though. It saves the company a lot of money on creating from the ground-up, plus I’m sure there are plenty of people who are willing to buy these remasters. If anything, as long as SE continues to make games, that’s my only concern moving forward.
Thanks for the comment! SE has definitely been putting out a lot of remasters and remakes, and not just for Final Fantasy. Having played 2.5 of these games now, I can say they look great in motion. Well, better in motion. And the font mod is good, too!
Honestly, who wants this? There are already enough versions of these games out there, and FF 1, 2, 5 and 6 lack the 3D upgrades that 3 and 4 got. Now THAT I would like to see! The PSP versions of the games were great. They looked fantastic, cleaned up some text and made a few small tweaks. The 3DS versions of 3 and 4 were incredible, and I still love just looking at them! IMO an upgraded older version and a 3D remaster are all that is needed. Instead they are porting MORE versions to…..mobile? I think someone at SE needs their head examined.
I would love a remake like the FF4 one. Not sure why you think is a bad idea.
It puts me in mind of the smoothed out mobile ports. It’s a step up from those but I can’t shake the resemblance. To each his own, of course.
The 3D one? Why? I think it’s the worst looking one by far.
I think they should have ported the PSP versions of Final Fantasy 1, 2 and 4. They’re definitely the ones with best graphics and animations.
It doesn’t look terrible, but I can’t help but feel it still looks worse than the originals. Final Fantasy IV especially, seems really off to me. The characters are tiny on the big screen. It could be worse, but part of me wonders why they can’t just release the original games in a pack and call it a day.
I wish the same thing. If they need to make mechanical fixes, fine. If they want to tack on some extras, cool. They mentioned in a press release that they are more excited for new fans to play these rather than old fans, but then I don’t know why they think these visuals would appeal more to new fans rather than previous visuals. Particularly with the SNES FFs, it does feel like a downgrade.
Looks good so far, I hope they deliver on their promises.
I won’t COMPLAIN but I’ll PINE. I wish they went with the bigger sprites like the PSP versions did. Especially since they want me to play this on my little phone.
I like that distinction, pine vs complain lol