“Super Mario Multiverse” – Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) by New Age Retro Mage


Super Mario Galaxy pretty much left us all wanting more. And wouldn’t you know it? The good folks at Nintendo EAD had so many ideas left on the cutting room floor that they decided they could make an entirely new game from them. New stages, new power-ups, Yoshi returns and new boss battles abound in which is basically a variation on the first game’s story. Not that that is a bad thing. The sheer variety of things you’ll see and do during this lengthy adventure is more than enough for this game to stand on its own. There are 242 stars to collect and lots to see as well as some of the gaming’s best music ever to hear.

Taken together Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are easily the best platforming of their particular generation and even to this day. Whether you prefer 1 or 2 is largely personal but I’ve had such a hard time deciding which one I like more. Super Mario Galaxy 2 benefits greatly from the groundwork set by the original to allow the creativity to really flourish. We can only hope that Nintendo will give us a remastered version on the Switch sometime. The games due to their style still hold up amazingly well and putting them in HD could only make them look even better.



The New Age Retro Mage has been gaming since the mid-80s since the Atari 2600 all the way to today. Loves the retro and loves the new, because if you can’t find enjoyment in what came before or what comes after, what’s the point? Wanna yell at him? He is on Twitter @chrisbg99.



Wahoo! You are a Super Reader! But the adventure doesn’t stop here… There’s more of this project in another castle! This article is just one level in an entire Super Mario Multiverse, a galactic collaboration between writers around the world sharing a bit of our hearts and memories about our favorite Mario games. Visit the Center of the Multiverse to see more:

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