A Super Mario 64 DS Article by @ToMaKiWeekly
Remakes and remasters have been part of the video game culture for a long time. Today there is a constant demand for more of our favourite games to be brought on current consoles, preferably with a polishing treatment. There are several advantages to bringing past games back. For the consumer, a big factor is nostalgia and reliability. Confidently purchasing a game you love with the possibility of graphical enhancements and extra content is definitely appealing.
When Super Mario 64 DS released as a launch title it was the most reliable choice for a day one purchase. The Nintendo DS provided the game with portability, double screens and stylus options which added to its appeal. For many, playing Super Mario 64 DS was less about discovery and more about nostalgia. The slight additions to this version tickled our curiosity and for the ones who had never played it, they were introduced to one of the most innovative Super Mario games ever. It was perfect for those who had previously enjoyed it and for those who had never gotten the opportunity to do so.
For the developer side of things, remasters allow developers to take advantage of a game with most of its groundwork done which contributes to its financial success. More access to such classic games can be seen as an investment for the brand but also add to future sales. The additions and upgrades done for Super Mario 64 DS were in no way earth-shattering but appreciated by some and easy to ignore for others. Optional changes are somewhat of a staple for remasters in an effort to not make the experience worse and maintain its charm. Stylus controls were definitely not for everyone but the game was designed to take this into consideration in order to avoid backlash and gameplay limitations.
When Super Mario 64 came out I was a 14-year-old boy, it was a cold winter day in November. My brother and I were anticipating the Nintendo DS for a while and knew that Super Mario 64 DS was the game we wanted to acquire. The game was meant to be a Christmas gift from our mother. She was always able to recognize how much we loved these games. As young boys, we did our best to try and convince our mother to allow us to open our gifts before Christmas. From a practical standpoint, it made no sense to leave the game and console under the tree for a whole month. Yes, there is joy in opening such amazing gifts past midnight on Christmas Eve, but we were already in awe when we went to pick a pair of Nintendo DS consoles and Super Mario 64 DS games.
What still fascinates me about such stories is how a single mother managed to get us everything we wanted, times two. Many of us are passionate about video games and many of us are simply unable to understand why. Not everybody can see the same value in video games as the ones who love playing them. Throughout my life, I have learned that it is important to find something you are passionate about. We as people decide how impactful and positive our passions can be and how such stories can contribute to great conversations. Video games provide us with the ability to appreciate things and people in a meaningful way and this is why Super Mario 64 DS has some type of importance in my life.
Wahoo! You are a Super Reader! But the adventure doesn’t stop here… There’s more of this project in another castle! This article is just one level in an entire Super Mario Multiverse, a galactic collaboration between writers around the world sharing a bit of our hearts and memories about our favorite Mario games. Visit the Center of the Multiverse to see more: