“Super Mario Multiverse” – Mario Party 2 (N64) by the Black Humor Mage

“And if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me…”


What if you could throw a party whenever you wanted? Nintendo said “Yes we can,” and proceeded to throw a Mario Party! But everyone forgot about it and never showed up, so they threw a Mario Party 2, baybee! 

The Nintendo 64 is the first console I remember playing. I was born in ‘95, so the N64 fit the timeline for 5-7 year old me to start my gaming habits. I personally never owned a Nintendo 64. The one I played belonged to my aunt. With her and my cousins, we would play games like Rugrats in Paris or Barbie. Those games pale in comparison to Mario Party 2. It is the game I remember having the most investment in yet being simple enough to understand. 

My family and I were able to play once again in the late 2000s, thanks to the Virtual Console on Wii. By this time, I was much better at the game and able to destroy anyone in my way. Other times I was trampled underfoot. These aren’t really games you can get good at. Which made them more fun! I actually have more memories of playing the game during this era than when we played it on the N64. Some of my favorite mini-games are Bumper Balls, Handcar Havoc, Cake Factory Shell-Shocked, and Lava Tile Isle.

The Mario Party games have been a staple in my family. Along with Mario Kart, these games are the perfect equalizer. It is fun for everyone and anyone can win. It’s no fun playing Smash Bros since a few people will have an advantage and win all the time. Mario Party is truly a party. And you’re invited! Happy MAR10, everyone!



The Black Humor Mage lives deliciously yet dangerously. Shaken and stirred. He is patron of classic and modern gaming. A long time friend of the Well-Red Mage, BHM will join the fight from time to time by writing reviews or opinion pieces, most often about his favorite series: Metal Gear Solid. He will try to make you laugh, but he can always make you cry.



Wahoo! You are a Super Reader! But the adventure doesn’t stop here… There’s more of this project in another castle! This article is just one level in an entire Super Mario Multiverse, a galactic collaboration between writers around the world sharing a bit of our hearts and memories about our favorite Mario games. Visit the Center of the Multiverse to see more:

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