Demo Disk is a series of first impressions posts for new releases and quick opinions.
Square’s ultimate black sheep gets some lovin’ at last. After enduring tales of lost source codes, absences from announcements alongside the re-releases of its peers, and the constant nagging of anti-fans about how much they hated the teeny-bop VIII, fans of the game and new players get to experience it with the brand new remaster on modern consoles. But was it worth the wait? Final Fantasy VIII Remastered did receive a facelift but it may not be enough to win every heart.
The remastering was applied luxuriously to a few things, yet there are others which look almost untouched. For instance, the new character models are crisp, showing brand new details that were completely unintelligible in any visual sense back on the PS1. The GFs look absolutely exceptional in this remaster! The reconstructed cast of characters are dolls, though, complete with blank stares. A handful of expressions was maybe too much to ask for.
Another degree of sharpening is notable in the game’s cutscenes, which looked like pixelated soup on occasion back in the late ’90s.
However, the overworld map, the battle settings, the pre-rendered backgrounds appear almost untouched. Given a little clarity, perhaps, but not much was done in this area. I tend to think of that as a missed opportunity. Sure, the pre-rendered backgrounds were always gorgeously detailed, and they certainly didn’t need to be completely remade, but if they received any TLC at all, it’s subtle. This remaster is similar to the version of FFIX available on modern consoles right now, which I played on Switch not too long ago.
Maybe this is an example of a remaster that could’ve used just a little more time in the oven. Full analog stick support instead of what now seems like clunky 8-way directional movement, an auto-save feature, things like this would have been nice additions, perhaps, but the biggest disappointment to me is the apparent lack of the Chocobo World game.
Players in the West, such as myself, never got our hands on the Pocketstation game and so missed out on the chocobo mini-gaming compatibility built into the original 1999 version of FFVIII. One of the things I looked forward to most was experiencing this for the first time, yet it was not included in this remaster (all items and rewards from the mini-game can be obtained in other ways). Maybe someday we’ll get a bloated, episodic remake that includes it as well as all-new, fancy, unnecessary story elements.
Anyway, that’s getting the negatives out of the way.
The remaster includes a speed-up feature, the ability to turn off random battles, and a battle-aid assist that heals up your party and switches on their limit breaks. Given the original game was spread out across four discs, it’s easy to abuse the speed-up feature. Someone like myself who played through the original game a couple of times will be glad to have it. It especially makes spamming Draw to get magic from enemies a cinch (as you may recall, it’s easy to break this game, even easier now).
The real miracle of FF8R, though, is the ability to finally play it across modern consoles. What you get is a core Final Fantasy game which I think is equal parts misunderstood, unfairly maligned, not the greatest in the series, experimental, and superficially trendy. That’s a lot of parts. FFVIII is what it is, love it or hate it. I think the pendulum is swinging toward the positive in popular opinion as the years have gone on, and for me, it remains an enjoyable game to play, though it isn’t my favorite.
It’s finally easier to get a hold of and play for yourself.
So what’s your take on Final Fantasy VIII Remastered? Did you pick up a copy? Is VIII toward the top of your favorites or no?
Red formerly ran The Well-Red Mage and now serves The Pixels as founder, writer, editor, and podcaster. He has undertaken a seemingly endless crusade to talk about the games themselves in the midst of a culture obsessed with the latest controversy, scandal, and news cycle about harassment, toxicity, and negativity. Pick out his feathered cap on Twitter @thewellredmage, Mage Cast, or Story Mode.
I like it, but I think it’s one of those FFs that has its flaws a little more upfront and obvious than some others games. The game is easy to break with very little effort or hunting, and the big twist is very easy to dislike. On the other hand, I love the whole witches concept, and even Squall’s R1 normal attack is a fun way to avoid just holding down the attack button. Oh, and as a dog lover, I love Angelo!
I do wish VIII & IX had a little more enhancements in their ports besides speed/autoheals/etc. More like the old school ports or the PS2 International versions. A couple of new Bosses and, like you said, put in the Chocobo minigame.
I agree with all of this. More perks for the remaster would be nice, especially since the pre-rendered backgrounds look so antiquated next to everything else.
I noticed how easy it is to break much more this time around. In my mind, I actually detract points from a game for that, if it’s too transparently easy. Spamming draw buffs your characters up pretty quick and you never need to use magic with infinite GF usage
8 has long been one of my faves and I agree with you on the speed feature! Drawing is a so freaking tedium-free now and I love it!
Whoo boy yeah spam-drawing without the speed feature is like impossible for me now. I’ll never go back. Hahaha! Is this your #1 favorite FF?
7 was my favourite until 2017, when I could no longer deny to myself that 14 had dethroned it
8 is in my top 5 though 
I share similar opinions. As a huge FFVIII fan I’m just incredibly excited to be playing the game on current gen consoles and to get any kind of touch up like really nice looking characters and some gameplay enhancers is a bonus.
However when you start to look around at some of the other remasters like FFX you start to get the feeling FFVIII has once again gotten the short end of the stick. I was also not impressed with the lack of full analog support and controller vibration but all in all I’m loving just being back in the world of FFVIII.
Yes! Where are you at in it right now? I just got to Galbadia Garden.