It is time to talk about the best: Chrono Trigger, in this first episode in a CT trilogy! The ABXY Mage (@ABXY_Reviews) I and discuss the re-launch of Side Quests podcast and a new focus on video game music, the happenin’ 1990s, questioning if accurate criticism is possible near launch, my first mancave, “Just let me get to the first save point!”, what Chrono Trigger IS and what makes it so special, “time” as a theme in both narrative and game design, multiple endings, the necessity for stories to breathe, seamlessness and polish, the Dream Team, the unprecedented length of tracks in this soundtrack, our favorite music from Chrono Trigger, Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda’s experience composing his first soundtrack, his list of works, his failing health, the mystery of “the Entity”, music inspired by dreams, the scope of the soundtrack with its various time period themes, Gato karaoke, the Guardia justice system, singing along with the soundtrack, and of course, the matter of objective quality. We also take your questions!
Want to appear as a guest on MAGE CAST yourself? Leave us a comment and let’s chat!
Red formerly ran The Well-Red Mage and now serves The Pixels as founder, writer, editor, and podcaster. He has undertaken a seemingly endless crusade to talk about the games themselves in the midst of a culture obsessed with the latest controversy, scandal, and news cycle about harassment, toxicity, and negativity. Pick out his feathered cap on Twitter @thewellredmage, Mage Cast, or Story Mode.
We should do an episode on Red Dead Revolver some time.
I will have to get on playing that!
I love Chrono Trigger! I’ll have to listen to this while I work today!
Awesome! It’s my favorite game of all time. I hope you enjoy the show
I didn’t end up getting a chance, but I will for sure! I’m going to bookmark it! And CT is one of my Top 10: easily my favorite JRPG! It’s basically flawless.
What are your other favorite JRPGs and your Top 10 games??
I don’t play too many JRPGs anymore, but I do love the Dragon Quest series (1, 3, and 8 particularly!) and the two Golden Sun games for the GBA! I’ve only played a couple Final Fantasy titles. And they might not be traditional JRPGs, but I’m a huge fan of Pokémon as well!
As for my Top 10 Games, I’ll drop a link here to a post where I talked about it previously:
Although I might be releasing an updated Top 10 in the near future…a few games have definitely made a case for themselves in recent years to be included over certain others!
Can you believe I’ve never played a single Dragon Quest?
Given my lack of experience with Final Fantasy overall, I will choose to believe you!
Dragon Quest is very fun, but also very basic. The formula hasn’t evolved much aside from the visuals and menu presentation: much like Pokémon.
That’s something that honestly appeals to me about it. I love the Breath of Fire games (1 through 4) and mostly because of how traditional they are.
I always wanted to play those, too! If you dig traditional JRPGs, then I’d definitely recommend Dragon Quest. I’d recommend starting with 8 if you have the chance.
Nice. Thanks for giving me a number! It’s intimidating to try to jump into a series that big without really knowing where!
I understand that feeling! 8 is best on 3DS if you have that option, as it has some quality of life improvements. I’ve heard 11 is also really good, but won’t be able to play it until it comes out for Switch next month.