An alien threat has risen from beyond the abyss… This horror fights neither for power nor territory, but rather to feed a hunger so insatiable that it will eventually devour the entire galaxy.
-Inquisitor Lord Kryptman, Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition)
Kirby’s Dream Land sucks! See? I missed my calling. Could’ve been a 90’s video game commercial copywriter.
This game marks the very first appearance of the iconic pink consumer of worlds, and that immediately explains the rest of this review and why the game is rudimentary in every way, right down to the white (not pink) protagonist floating like a ghost on the North American cover art. As the story goes, the heads at Nintendo and HAL Laboratory argued over the exact coloration for the character: Pink! Yellow! Pink! Yellow! So it was, all the way up until the game came to be localized for the West. Nintendo of America didn’t know what to do with the dispute, so they put the game out with Kirby colored like an in-game screenshot: white.
At least he didn’t end up olive green!
Where Kirby did end up is at the center of the Nintendo canon of characters, as timeless as the best of them, and most recently centered in the World of Light in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It all began here with Dream Land, the start of the Dream Land Saga and a series that includes over thirty games and numerous crossovers, and one man:
Masahiro Sakurai
When Nintendo wanted a game that “anyone could enjoy”, Sakurai, aged 19 and newly employed by HAL, responded with excitement. He would serve as director, designer, and planner (alongside the late, great Satoru Iwata as programmer) to craft a game with simplicity in mind. The nexus of this thought, creating an experience that could be enjoyed by anybody, is one that I find interesting, especially in light of retrospective criticism of retro games from this era as being designed to be deliberately difficult to extend their playtime.
Lots of ideas shifted during development but simplicity remained at its core; actually, simplicity has remained at the core of the series ever since. What began initially as a stand-in character, this round blob with basic arms and legs and a dopey face, ended up becoming the hero of the story, and Twinkle Popopo was born. The name ‘Popopo’ was later changed to ‘Kirby’ (thank goodness!) and the game became known in Japan as Kirby of the Stars. As it turned out, that little blob-person was just right for a game that was meant to be friendly and easy.
Kirby’s ability to suck in air and fly indefinitely not only gave developers a new perspective on level design, with stages that scrolled in multiple directions including multiple doors and rooms, but it also allowed the player to play how they liked, avoiding enemies and confronting them by blasting gusts of air at them or sucking them up to swallow them or spit them back out.
Copy protected
Notably missing is Kirby’s famous Copy Ability, which might just be the most interesting thing about him. The Copy Ability wouldn’t make an appearance until the year after Dream Land, when the far superior sequel Kirby’s Adventure hit the NES. Adventure took everything that Dream Land included and blew it up bigger than ever: vertical as well as horizontal areas with plenty of secrets and rooms became not just the staple for level design but also for the world map hub between levels; Kirby’s flight was taken into consideration with more interesting infrastructures in place intended to foil or welcome flying; even bosses from Dream Land returned, more whimsically menacing than ever, including Whispy Woods and King Dedede. However, the greatest thing about Adventure is its invention of Kirby’s Copy Ability. What would the pink puffball be without it?
Well, without it, he’d just be that ghostly white Kirby from the primordial Dream Land. Fortunately, Dream Land isn’t that long. It is a Game Boy game, after all. There aren’t many instances where a copy ability seemed absolutely necessary for progression, considering how short the game is and how easy it is to beat…
…until you reach hard mode! Press Up, A, and Select on the title screen to unlock the “Extra Game” and feel like you’re suddenly wholly inadequate for Kirby.
In olden times, the entire plot of a game could be laid out on the back cover!
The 8-bit Review
Visuals: 7/10
I know what you’re thinking. Maybe. Possibly. Okay, so actually I don’t. But I’m going to guess that there are some reading this that might have been K.O.’d by a 7/10 score for a Game Boy game.
“It’s black and white!”, “Look at it!”, “What’s wrong with you?”
Yes, it is, I am, and ask my psychiatrist.
The important thing to note here is that I treat grading visuals within specific historical context, bearing in mind the limitations of the hardware and the developers’ skill working within those constraints. Just as you wouldn’t criticize an illustration for using charcoal instead of oils, so too the canvas and tools which form the foundation for any game’s visual experience have to be critiqued within the context of history and hardware, which helps guard against all kinds of things from score degradation over time to recency bias to elevating visuals above other features.
Now that that’s been said, my 7/10 represents to my mind the animated personality that Dream Land manages to represent not just with 8-bit graphics, not just in monochrome, but on such a tiny screen. There’s a sense of Disney-esque elasticity in the animation here, such as triumphs even over the animations in NES games in the immediate years preceding. In many ways, Dream Land resembles a high end NES game, just in black and white.
Dedede’s end screen tantrum, the grimacing and ogling of random enemies, Whispy Woods’ ugly cry face, Kirby’s dance sequences, the miniature cutscenes that play before each stage… all of these give the inhabitants of the game a sense of tangibility, that they can be squished and stretched and retake their original shapes. I didn’t encounter much sprite flicker, and only a little slow-down, so all in all, Dream Land looks better than many Game Boy games, by comparison.
Audio: 7/10
Maybe the best thing about Kirby’s Dream Land is its teeny score by sound designer Jun Ishikawa. Ishikawa can be credited with creating the auditory atmosphere of Kirby’s world, since he has continued to work on the franchise all the way up to Kirby Star Allies. This likely explains why Kirby’s soundscape is as occupied by recurring melodies as Mario and Zelda. You’ll be hard pressed to find Kirby games without Green Greens but you can hear the original version of that tune and more ancestors here in Dream Land.
As with the visuals, there’s a lot of personality present. Kirby’s music doesn’t sound random or meandering, but driving and focused around specific themes. The fast-paced tunes with their rhythmic percussion maintain the energy of what would otherwise be a relatively laid-back, peaceful, and potentially boring game. More than anything, the music kept me invested in playing, encouraging me to push onward toward that scoundrel Dedede.
Gameplay: 3/10
Since there is no Copy Ability, the stages are inherently featureless; the changing scenery is virtually the only distinguishing feature, though Green Greens is more straightforward and the Castle has more rooms, and so on. Different enemies inhabiting different in-game regions with different abilities for you ends up being crucial for Kirby gameplay, especially when the games start getting longer. That adaptability and unpredictability keeps things interesting, forcing the player to think on their feet with an ever-changing arsenal of powers. Without it, the punctuation of each of the five stages is primarily with the eventful boss fights.
The developers anticipated the possible monotony Dream Land could represent, so they included some power-ups in the forms of items: a microphone that destroys all on-screen enemies (later converted to the Mike ability), spicy curry that lets Kirby breathe fire temporarily, and a mint leaf (sweet potato in Japan) which inexplicably converts the game into a shmup. One of the game’s bosses is actually fought in the form of a side-scrolling shmup-like battle. These items are all very much traditional for games at the time than an adaptive Copy Ability system would turn out to be, so thank God for Kirby’s Adventure.
Accessibility: 9/10
Given the creative nucleus of Kirby, it should come as no surprise when I say that Dream Land is highly accessible. Navigating is easy. Learning the buttons is easy. Defeating enemies is easy. I could see a few of the very youngest getting lost here or there in some of the larger areas, but overall, this is a simple game with simplicity at its forefront.
Challenge: 5/10
The game is easy but the Extra Game, its hard mode, is quite hard. Enemies begin jumping or swooping down toward you, projectiles come more quickly, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It’s almost like a completely different game, though it’s still structured around a lives- and HP-based system. I figure that the core game is more like a 1/10 or 2/10 and the Extra Game is more like an 8/10-ish, so I balance it out right in the middle.
Did you know that Lolo from Adventures of Lolo on the NES makes an appearance as a boss and mini-boss in the Castle Lololo stage?
Kirby was just getting started, but I like what later entries in his series did to tackle difficulty. Adventure could get pretty tough toward the end but it was a long enough game to develop a curve, and you gained plenty of extra lives, beside. Epic Yarn dealt with the issue of difficulty elegantly by creating a currency-based, not lives-based, system wherein you’d lose the gems you collected if you got hit, resulting in a lower score upon completing the stage. Star Allies was the most recent Kirby game and in many ways it seemed to return to Dream Land’s bland and somewhat featureless sense of difficulty.
So if you want to play a really hard Kirby game, remember for Dream Land that it’s Up, A, and Select on the title screen. This bar graph represents Dream Land’s difficulty curve:
Replayability: 2/10
Only two modes of difficulty and not much to see beyond that. There isn’t a whole lot of replay value here in 2019 beyond nostalgia, historical research, or curiosity.
Uniqueness: 8/10
I tend to think of the Nintendo characters and their series as archetypes of ideas: Mario is cheerfulness, Metroid is loneliness, Zelda is the quest, Pokémon is about aspiration, and so on. What is Kirby about? Simplicity.
Simple can sometimes be used in a pejorative manner but simple is a word that originally carried a sense of unity, oneness of substance. I think of Kirby’s Dream Land as a game completely and unapologetically wed together under a single banner: make it so anyone can play it. Now, not everyone may want to play it, so it might not necessarily appeal to everyone, but it remains that it can be accessed by almost anyone, as many people as possible, unusually regardless of age and skill-level. Without being explicitly a “children’s game” with all of the educational baggage that comes with it, Kirby’s Dream Land is a game for the very young. Many of us who still love games today got our start around the time Dream Land came out, so aren’t we glad we had a game that gave us our start? Maybe for you it was Dream Land itself.
For what it’s worth, the Dedede battle can be tricky if you’re not sure what to do.
Personal: 3/10
I played Kirby’s Adventure first. That was Dream Land’s downfall: not the starvation of its peoples, not the theft of its twinkly stars, but the fact that a much better game came out a year later and many folks like me played the sequel before the first game. It’s tough to go back and appreciate this because it is such a gaunt experience by comparison. No Copy Ability means Dream Land is going to seem like the first half of a tutorial, or better yet, an appetizer.
As a game of historical significance, of course Dream Land is important; Kirby had to start somewhere, after all. However, revisiting this title again as an adult with a critical eye didn’t quite render the same experience as when I first booted it up on my own Game Boy all those years ago. And I even remember being vaguely disappointed then.
Still, Kirby’s Dream Land accomplishes what it was designed to do: it is truly a game that can be played by anyone. Sakurai achieved what Nintendo asked of him. In our modern world of community gatekeepers, fan wars, and skill-shaming, it’s good to know that there are games out there in the vast history of gaming that made inclusivity their beacon.
Aggregated Score: 5.5
Red formerly ran The Well-Red Mage and now serves The Pixels as founder, writer, editor, and podcaster. He has undertaken a seemingly endless crusade to talk about the games themselves in the midst of a culture obsessed with the latest controversy, scandal, and news cycle about harassment, toxicity, and negativity. Pick out his feathered cap on Twitter @thewellredmage, Mage Cast, or Story Mode.
I guess I probably don’t need to tell you that this was one of my favorite Game Boy games!
It was the first game I got (besides Tetris that was bundled with it) so I played the heck out of it! I still love to re-visit it, even if it is really easy
That Hard Mode is quite difficult though, haha!
It was one of my favorite GB games, as well, until I recently played it. I think it does a GREAT job of being as accessible as it was meant to be. Without the copy ability, it’s really rudimentary. That Hard Mode, though o_O
I agree! It is kind of weird playing without Kirby’s copy ability. Haha, the first time I played Hard Mode I was like WTF is happening!
Yeah it’s pretty mindboggling to play a hard Kirby game! :O
I definitely played this back in the day, but even then it was a little too easy and wasn’t interesting enough to warrant true replayability. I’ve always been reluctant to buy Kirby games because of the lack of content. HOWEVER, the games are fun and cute as heck – god bless Kirby. Spot on review!
Hey Jay, good to hear from you again in the bloggerverse! I agree with your comment, but I’d definitely recommend Kirby’s Adventure, especially for content. I’m not sure you’ve played it but you probably have.
Oh totally, I feel Kirby peaked with Kirby’s Adventure and Kirby Super Star. To be fair though haven’t played any Kirby games from the past decade.
And thanks for the welcome back! Want to keep Nerd Speaker alive
I can also recommend Kirby’s Epic Yarn from the Wii, which had an intriguing approach to handling difficulty and simplicity, accessibility for the younger and challenge for the older.
Sounds like a great start to the New Year! Best of luck and give me a shout if you need anything!
Adventure on NES is my favorite Kirby game. I’ve never played this GB game and it sounds like it might be a bit tough to go back to now. Interesting to hear about his first outing though.
Hey thanks for reading! Imagine Adventure without the Copy Ability and color, and cut the amount of levels by 75%, and that’s Dream Land. Kirby had to start somewhere, right?
In my reader, I saw the header image without looking at the title, and I thought it was Boo. I wouldn’t have recognized it was Kirby if it wasn’t for the title! (Although I’m a little disappointed there wasn’t some Boo game I didn’t know about…)
Oh man how amazing would a Boo game be? Nintendo already has so many spin offs… it could be like a tower defense game where you’re protecting your haunted mansion’s treasures from looters (the other Mario characters) and you enlist boos with special skills as you progress… I want this game now.
I think Nintendo should do more weird spinoff games ala Captain Toad. Take an underutilized character and build something fun/different around them. I’d welcome a Boo-focused game.
They’re certainly capable of it! Wario Ware comes to mind, as does all the Wario Land games. They need a self-aware Waluigi game that’s about controlling PR and internet memes.
*insert shut up and take my money meme here*
*leads angry mob to Red’s castle gate*
This is one of my all time top GB games! I must’ve played it a million times back in the day! Adult you just doesn’t appreciate it
*at the castle, nobody’s home*
Haha it wasn’t even an all-time top GB game for me back in the day, though I remember playing it. Compared to Adventure, it’s a tutorial, though the hard mode is what makes this game shine. What’s Kirby without his copy ability, I ask ye? A somewhat above average GB game, not a terrible one, thanks to the animation and music.
Kirby just hadn’t developed all his abilities yet! Even Clark Kent didn’t always know he could fly!
And I would rate flightless Clark Kent from Smallville 5.6/10 in a heartbeat! XD
Haha but seriously, more seriously at least, you’ve expressed my point exactly. Kirby hadn’t developed his abilities yet. He hadn’t “taken flight”, pardon the expression. Dream Land for that reason is pretty rudimentary and basic for his series, and a ok-good GB game but Adventure came out a mere year later and contextually Dream Land just can’t compete with that.
Conversely, what would you say are the best elements of Dream Land, critically? I’d certainly say without hesitation the animation and the music
Yes, agreed. But also the thought behind it, as you expressed in your review. I was young enough when I played this that I pretty much sucked at games. But this felt like it was geared for kids like me but without being pandering (and for the record, I totally destroyed the game on hard mode, too). That’s a difficult balance to achieve.
Oh absolutely! I think that they achieved their intention of creating a game that anyone could play. The snarky thing here would be to say “but is it a game that anyone would *want* to play”, but I won’t say that and degrade this excellent conversation lol! Dream Land is great at what it was designed to be, while at the same time being a very basic platformer without that beautiful copy ability.
You destroyed the game on hard mode? You’re a better gamer than I, which I have no apprehension in saying. When was the last time you played Dream Land?
Not since I was probably 9
Not seriously anyways. In some ways, this game taught me to play–first with the training wheels mode, then hard mode. I agree that it’s a very basic platformer (but then again, pretty much all GB platformers are), but I in no way think it’s inferior just because it lacks Kirby’s copy ability. This is Kirby kindergarten. Do you judge your kindergarten experience as being less enjoyable because you had fewer abilities than you did in 1st grade?
Good question! I wouldn’t judge kindergarten as being less enjoyable, probably because there are more toys it’d be the opposite, but I’d have to experience kindergarten as an adult to be sure, get me? XD I would however judge it based on its level design, management of difficulty, replay value, accessibility, and so on, comparatively with other comparable experiences around the same time.
It’s like what the first Super Mario Land is to SMB3, or what Mega Man 1 would be like without boss weapons. The signature ability isn’t there for coolness factor alone. It allows a new degree of game design wherein players have to adapt to new situations and avoid damage for new reasons, not losing their copy ability, and creates all kinds of possibilities for navigation, attack, emergent gameplay, etc.
I’m talking technical factors here and technically Dream Land and Adventure aren’t equals, though they are immediate contemporaries. This doesn’t at all take away from your love for the game, nor does it even describe how much I did or didn’t enjoy it, as those experiences are separate in many ways and can be affected by time, age, and all kinds of other factors. I might’ve given this game a 7 or an 8 at age 9 but being critical about it, it walks away with what’s essentially a decent score in my grading view, with 5/10 being a baseline for average, it’s above average.
I would DEFINITELY put it above Super Mario Land! At least Kirby isn’t that floaty! XD
Oh totally! People change and grow, as do game series. We can’t stay in kindergarten forever, but it was what we needed at that time & place in our lives.
Thx for the discussion, Red! Just felt I had to go to bat for one of my faves. After all, a 3/10 for replayability seems excessively harsh IMO
The fact that we do change and grow, and series do, is great! And again, there’s no denying that Kirby’s Dream Land is pitch perfect at being a game anyone can play. That it was a gateway game for many is something nobody, no amount of criticism, can take away, nor would I want to take that away. That’s great stuff.
I always appreciate going to bat, or I guess being on the receiving end, however that analogy holds up hahaha! 3/10 is a harsh score, I’ll say that, but I couldn’t find any way around it with just one regular mode and then a hard mode. Even if I bumped it up to a 4/10, there’s not much difference in a single point, right?
I enjoyed the discussion too! We should do it more often!
I haven’t played this one yet, but I plan on doing so. I guess it won’t be a very fun experience.
It’s not the worst game on the Game Boy but compared to Kirby’s Adventure, it feels like a first level and that’s about it. Good news is you can beat it in less than an hour… the extra game hard mode on the other hand could take a while.