These are my 7 honorable mentions, the games that didn’t make it to my Top 111 list but should have.
Year: 2018
These are the 7 most controversial posts I’ve personally written on The Well-Red Mage, for better or worse!
Home is where the heart is and I left my heart in these seven places. These are my favorite video game towns/cities/villages/etc.
My top seven superhero games are here to save the day… UP, UP, and AWAAAAY!
I guess I’m a real fan of Generation 1… these are my top seven favorite Pokemon!
With Gordon Ramsay-like culinary expertise and barely concealed existential rage, the Sometimes Vaguely Philosophical Mage takes a peek at Overcooked! 2, which may or may not be as good as the first one.
These are my top seven favorite developers, and my favorite games from each one!
These are my seven favorite VGM composers, the musicians behind the games.
Marvel’s Spider-Man may just be the greatest Spidey film ever made, but with great hype comes great responsibility.
In this EarthBound episode, the idyllic vision of America, the death of innocence, the lost art of memorable NPCs, and more.
These are my picks for the must-have games that the PlayStation Classic should definitely include but probably won’t!
“I just had to escape, I just had to be free,
And I didn’t even know, I had a destiny…”
Final Fantasy Tactics, the Dead Sea Scrolls, themes of equality and corruption, and how the heck you are supposed to pronounce “Beoulve”, anyway.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a feast for fans of all things science fiction from Planet of the Apes to Terminator to Asimov’s Foundation.
It is time to ask ourselves: is game quality improving? I approach this question through the lens of averages and total releases across platforms.
Alien: Isolation podcast with much fear and trembling in the context of the Alien film franchise and other Alien video games.
The Punisher follows a rich tradition of incredibly fun and actually decently designed licensed video games by Capcom.
Cosmic Star Heroine is a combination of recognizable influences but it doesn’t let all that inspiration go to waste.
It’s refreshing how the game used real-life historical weapons, as it adds some authenticity to a fighting game set in the 16th century featuring a demonic, soul devouring weapon of chaos.
Journey was the subject of the very first episode of Mage Cast but like sand, the pod was course and rough and got everywhere.
I sort of promised a list of hidden gems but I came to the stark realization that figuring out what a hidden gem is is hard!
Here it is all in one place: my Top 111 (that’s one-hundred eleven) favorite games of all time! It’s a faves list, not a best of!
Vectrex, Tim Skelly, and Armor Attack may not mean a whole lot to many millions today but learning more about this era of gaming with its ghostly vector lines can be fun.
Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.
-Alphonse de Lamartine
What is the function and purpose of a game review/critique?
Slime-san: Superslime Edition worms its way onto PS4 and it’s smarter, faster, and tougher than you. An evolutionary advantage.
I’ve got eight slugs in me. One’s lead, and the rest are bourbon. The drink packs a wallop and I pack a revolver.
-Tracer Bullet, Calvin and Hobbes