“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”
-Dave Ramsey
Double dipping.
When it comes to the French onion dip, double dipping is generally a grotesque gesture, unless of course you want to get back at the other partygoers for not talking to you. When it comes to Nintendo, double dipping is a way of life, a business model, a philosophy. Nintendo has spent the last twenty years repackaging the same product across multiple systems, and of course it will always sell.
Everyone pushing the polemic that there was no reason to buy the NES Classic, and then the SNES Classic, specifically “because we’ve all played those games already” is completely missing the point. People spend their entire gaming lives playing old games, and “old” is not a value statement. As far as Nintendo and the consumer demand for the Classics are concerned, that allegation is irrelevant. If anyone knows marketing in gaming, it is Nintendo in their own esoteric, off-the-beaten-path way, giving us the same lovable thing over and over again. Excepting the marketing fail that was the Wii U, of course.
Yell and complain all you want against Nintendo. It’s like screaming at a wall.
Now I recently double dipped by picking up Stardew Valley for the Nintendo Switch (which nobody stopped me from doing, so thanks a lot, all you enablers), but since Mario Odyssey has dropped I was reminded of another time I found an excuse to repurchase games I already had. I am speaking of course about Super Mario All-Stars. This was Nintendo’s revamped remake of three previously released Super Mario games, the first, second, and third titles that already saw a North American release, but it also included Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels which had never before appeared in the US.
A later version of All-Stars that hit the market in ’94 included Super Mario World. I’m excluding that edition of All-Stars, and the future Wii re-re-release from this review. This is just about the original SNES compilation from 1993, a little gray cart which evidently helped set an industry precedent for updating games that appeared on previous generation consoles for next gen hardware (Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, The Last of Us Remastered, Twilight Princess HD, pretty much anything with “HD” or “Remastered” in its title).
To be fair to the original value of this game, the inclusion of The Lost Levels was probably the perfect leverage I used in talks with my mother to try to get her to buy All-Stars for me. I surmise I could’ve got around the “but you already own those games” by mentioning this, but unfortunately any clever bit of matriarchal manipulation is lost to the sands of time. I don’t actually remember how I got the All-Stars cartridge.
I do know that at some point I no longer had an NES. The one that sits on my entertainment center today is my wife’s from her childhood. For those who were forced (likely like me) to transition with each generation of consoles by pawning off the old to purchase the new, Super Mario All-Stars must have been a beacon of hope. The draw of bettered graphics and music was nothing to sniff at, but being able to play the three Mario games again without them falling into obsolescence was a joy. Joy, that virtue which the lighthearted hero has come to represent all these years later.
Perhaps that is why Nintendo re-released the trio of Mario games. Perhaps that’s why the character himself is so enduring.
If you asked me to rank the four games which appear in the original All-Stars lineup, I would say: Super Mario Bros. 3 (easily), Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros., and then The Lost Levels. I’ll get into why I’d organize the quartet in this way. Let’s talk about each game in order.
Super Mario Bros. 3 is, in my defensible position, a perfect NES game. I do know for a fact that I have played through that game hundreds of times, both on the original Nintendo and its Super successor. It is the biggest of the four games in the compilation. It is put to a scintillating polish.
As a child, it felt practically endless, insurmountable, complex. As an adult, I can see the whole of its universe with its eight worlds but there’s still so much to explore. I don’t know all the secrets off the top of my head. SMB3 introduced a bevy of long-standing Mario features such as the world map, the koopalings, and the gift of flight. Flight with the Super Leaf, P-Wing, and Tanooki Suit meant that level design could now be expanded not just horizontally but also vertically, evolving the complexity of side-scroller level design.
Its sense of physics, its layers of secrets, its range of iconic music, its two-player mode that allowed you and your companion to trade off beating levels and finding items, all these things make SMB3 such an enjoyable experience, again and again and again. In my opinion, it sits right on top of the NES library. At the time of this writing, it still represents the only game I have ever critiqued to receive a perfect 10/10.
Plus, don’t forget, this was the game that appeared at the climax of The Wizard starring Tobey Maguire’s mullet. So there’s that cultural monument to take into consideration…
Super Mario Bros. 2 is the black sheep of the list. It is very much unlike a traditional Super Mario game what with its four playable characters: Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Peach. Each character offered a unique movement style so the word of the day here was “variety”. Mario was pretty straightforward but Luigi was no longer just a recolored clone, what with his added slipperiness and higher jumping capabilities. Toad seemed much faster than anyone else and Peach had this great, game-breaking hover ability. SMB2 also ditches Bowser for Wart, the Goombas and Koopas for Shy Guys and Snifits and those freaky gold masks that chase you when you grab a key. That was how I learned what anxiety is.
This tsunami of newness is explained simply because Super Mario Bros. 2 is an illusion, a dream. Spoilers, I guess? C’mon, the game has been out for nearly thirty years. If you haven’t played it by now then that’s on you, my friend. Ignore the strange amount of dismissiveness and hate it received in the form of a trend in the popular consensus some years back. It may not be a cut-and-paste Mario game but it’s very fun to play.
Super Mario Bros. may not be the game that truly started the decades-long Mario legacy, as Mario Bros. came out in arcades two years prior, but it is certainly the game which made an icon out of Mr. Video, later Jumpman, later Mario. The best-selling game on the NES at approximately 40 millions units sold, there must have been not one single home during the NES’ hey day that did not also own a copy. I can’t recall any house I visited as a child that didn’t have this game. Super Mario Bros. propelled the NES into success. The console currently sits in the spot of the fifth best-selling game of all time behind Grand Theft Auto V, Wii Sports, Minecraft, Tetris (which sold a whopping 170 million copies!).
I even remember bumping into SMB in the form of an arcade cabinet at a Showbiz Pizza Place (now Chuck E. Cheese), and that blew my young mind.
It almost seems impossible to overstate the significance of Super Mario Bros. Its popularity helped move the direction of gaming away from joystick space shooters to d-pad platformers, which seemed to dominate until the era of the FPS. It’s been said that it was at the forefront of saving the gaming industry after the North American Video Game Crash. Super Mario Bros. is one of the few video games to achieve such popularity that it’s instantly recognizable by nearly everyone in the developed world.
What would the video games industry look like today if there was no Super Mario Bros.?
The REAL sequel to Super Mario Bros. was Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. It is the only game in this collection to make its debut for Western audiences with All-Stars. In actuality, these so-called “Lost Levels” were really just the original Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan. So why the mix up? Why didn’t the West get the real deal right away?
As history reveals, there were many instances when the West got the short end of the stick. We missed out on several releases back in the day, Europe even more so than the US. The early Final Fantasy games were notoriously full of misnomers and misnumberings. Nintendo didn’t send the Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 2 over to the US because they thought Western audiences would be turned off by the difficulty. Instead, North America got the Super Mario Bros. 2 we know and perhaps love.
So was it worth the wait? Well… Western audiences were turned off by the difficulty. I never picked up on a whole lot of appreciation for it. The Lost Levels is the unambitious first sequel for the original Super Mario Bros. It doesn’t distinguish itself or innovate. It’s basically just a much harder game than the original, complete with all new stages. Lost Levels also includes poison mushrooms and gusts of wind to screw around with your jumps. Luigi is differentiated from Mario for the first time beyond color palette. His sprite is different, he has less traction on the ground, and his jumps are higher than his brother’s, something they recycled for the later second sequel to the original.
Between the steep difficulty and the lack of a whole lot of fresh content, The Lost Levels seems to have been a case of much ado about nothing, an attempt to capitalize on the success of the original. Once again this would have been buying Nintendo for something you’ve already played.
Maybe they should’ve included All-Stars on the SNES Classic, even though the originals are on the NES Classic. Genius.
The 8-bit Review
Visuals: 7/10
All-Stars represents an unusual case in the realm of grading visuals. At the time of its release, the Super Nintendo had already been out for about three years yet All-Stars hardly looks any more advanced than did Super Mario World, launch title for the SNES. The graphics of Mario games have always been simplistic. In this case, the facelift All-Stars bequeaths to the original classics isn’t ultimately groundbreaking. Recognize that the transitional gap between 8-bit and 16-bit is not as astounding a leap as that between 16-bit and 3D graphics.
Filling in the backgrounds with additional details and gradients go a long way to make each stage more visually interesting, but it’s the extra fleshing out of the character and enemy sprites which are perhaps the greatest boosts All-Stars had to offer. This is especially true with the earliest games, Super Mario Bros. compared to SMB3. The third game was already the most impressive of the original Mario games given its later release date, and the added icing of some cameos from Super Mario World were plain fun. However, Super Mario Bros. looks like an entirely different game, dramatically improved.
I do think that the mere jump from 8 to 16-bit didn’t automatically equal quality in every instance. For example, I do think that the sharper colors, the harder shadows, especially in SMB3, were rendered with greater boldness on the NES than the SNES.
Audio: 8/10
To my mind, one of the primary joys of All-Stars was hearing the updated songs we became so familiar with in the originals. Of course by now everyone has heard a thousand different versions of the first Super Mario “Overworld theme” but judged in accordance with its era, listening to the audio updates were swell. They suddenly sounded so much fuller, maybe on occasion too enthusiastic, but earnest nonetheless. The gimmick eventually wears off, though, and I for one appreciate the original NES tunes more than these in almost every case.
Compare these:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy3qq7zc4EY&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFRHvGiHCXs&w=560&h=315]
All-Stars did include a few unique tracks such as its own title screen theme and game selection theme. They’re virtually filler and I always thought it was unusual, if not a little unpleasant, that the title screen featured the din of a crowd of people talking between tidbits of the actual song.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i9rVVH0bO8&w=560&h=315]
Gameplay: 10/10
All-Stars does an exemplary job of preserving the smoothness of the original games without throwing them away for the sake of visual ambitions. Some of the physics were slightly tweaked and some bugs were fixed, reportedly. I don’t believe there was anything in that arena significant enough that it caught my eye, so I’d safely say that the gameplay is largely intact.
This compilation does add a few new features like controls customization. Most importantly, there’s a new ability to save your game, rather than having to start from scratch every time. For SMB3, which is quite large, that’s a great benefit. There are no unlockables or anything you will have never seen before. All-Stars is all about the games and little else. With these specific games though, that’s hardly a drawback.
Accessibility: 10/10
These were games developed without shoulder buttons, without analog sticks, without the cursed demand of WIFI connectivity and your credit card information. They were played with a simple d-pad and two buttons. That’s it. They’re some of the most accessible you could find. I have seen that when grown adults who haven’t played many video games get a hold of one, they usually ask one of two questions: “How do I shoot?” or “How do I jump?” The first question is irrelevant here and the second is easy enough to figure out.
Replayability: 10/10
Super Mario Bros. didn’t sell a revolutionary 40 million copies by not being addictive. Nintendo found a winning formula that platformers have modeled in some shape or form ever since.
Challenge: 10/10
We’re talking about the highest challenge rating possible simply because of the inclusion of The Lost Levels. Its brutality has been labeled cruel, bitter, unfair, and unfun. To this day, I’ve never beaten The Lost Levels, whereas I’ve finished the other three games. The original trio aren’t always walks in the park, besides. They each have some trickier stages that demand a lot of timing and skill from the player. This is something I think that Super Mario games should be cherished for, the hard ones. Their difficulty is masked by a façade of “kiddie gaming”. Though many of us played these games as kids, how many of us beat them as kids?
Uniqueness: 7/10
All-Stars as an early compilation was fairly unique and it also featured The Lost Levels alongside the polished gameplay, graphics, and music. Though there wasn’t too much new to see beyond the Japanese SMB2, we come back to it again: you played All-Stars to relive flying through the skies and jumping on the backs of goombas, not to experience something new.
My Personal Grade: 9/10
Sometimes I catch flack for enjoying Super Mario games but they can really bring you a lot of innocent joy in a world obsessed with darkness and violence in gaming. I don’t think, no matter how jaded you are, that you can turn up your nose at their success and reception. There is a reason why Mario keeps on smiling, and why everyone is so excited to play Odyssey. So what are we waiting for? Jump up, Super Star!
Aggregated Score: 9.0
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RetroRedress is.. not wrong.. but shamefully ill informed about Super Mario Sunshine.
It is OK, but then you get to the 3D bits, & after dying OVER 9000!!!! times, I binned it & was truly glad to see it go!
Sonic’s ‘Werehog’ phase, at the very least, despite many MANY other complaints from gamers (Lord C’s never played it & never will) was at least playable mechanically.
If you jumped, sonic would jump, good stuff.
Also, to state: “Sonic wishes he was in as good a title as Sunshine” isn’t jus erroneous, it’s plain wrong, as Sonic is in ‘Mega Collection’ & ‘Gems Collection’ on PS2, which, while compilations of classics as opposed to a ‘New’ title, are still far FAR superior to Sunshine in every conceivable way (except for those stupid f***ing up-down bouncy cylinders on Sonic 3: Carnival Night Zone 2!!!
like the Chris Brown Freaky Friday song, they can all: Get In The F***ing Sea!!!!!!!! *Growls*)
Good review tho, loved it!
Ahhh… All-Stars… I’ve never owned a copy of the game, but I did get the GBA remakes of 2 and 3, which used All-Stars as a base.
I agree, SMB3 is the best Mario game, period. I’ve played and beaten Odyssey and it’s a close second, but I still say 3 is the best of all of them. Great breakdown of the games man!
Thanks for the comment! For myself, I’ve never played the GBA remakes, though I plan to eventually remedy that. They’re the only versions of these games I have not played to death!
I’m happy to know we see eye to eye on SMB3! Such a great game, all the great since it manages to stand above the other games in a remarkable and critically acclaimed series. Super Mario occasionally takes some bashing due to his kiddie nature but you can’t argue against the great gameplay in some of these. SMB3 blew me away as a kid and as an adult with its sense of physics, gravity, flight on a mechanical level. Then on top of that yet there’s still the stage design, the secrets, the items, the scope of the game.
I loved reading this review! I played this game a lot as a kid and I thought it was great because I didn’t have an NES growing up, so it was a way for me to play SMB 1, 2, and 3! I remember the 1st time I played The Lost Levels, I was amazed at how difficult it was! I don’t HATE the game, but it’s not one of my favorites either. I get aggravated too easily with it, haha!
Kirby! Thanks for consuming this review! Like someone else pointed out, Lost Levels being the worst or the least beloved game on this particular collection doesn’t mean TOO much considering Super Mario Bros. 1-3 are incredible, influential games. It’s just not as fun as the others for that tacked on difficulty. I think that ultimately Nintendo would’ve lost cash and perhaps consumers if they had brought that original SMB2 to the West, so they were smart to hang onto it until this collection could be released. Besides, if they hadn’t held back what became Lost Levels, we never would’ve been able to play as Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad all in one game and throw around turnips and magic doors! Silver lining.
I completely agree! I love SMB2 even if it is the black sheep of the Mario Bros. family. Such a fun, quirky game!
Great review of arguably one of the best video game compilations ever!
I never had much access to a NES as a kid so when we were able to get a SNES a bit later (off a family member) this cartridge caught my attention straight away. Again, I only played All Stars a bit, but it was brilliant at the time for a Nintendo newcomer.
Like you, I had to trade every generation for the next one (until Xbox360.) This cartridge was perfect for people in that position and I think it came with the SNES in the UK (that and/or Streetfighter 2) which was a great incentive to buy a SNES.
Thanks so much for being so encouraging! I had fun writing a retro review again. I missed it. As for All Stars itself, it does have SMB3 which is one of the few perfect games I can think of. Compilations and collections are where it’s at and All Stars seemed to be influential in that regard, no doubt because it contained such influential games. Well… minus Lost Levels of course.
To be fair, if Lost Levels is the worst game on the compilation, it must be a pretty good compilation!
That’s true. Someone asked me to rank the Super Mario games (which is kind of ridiculous off the cuff, considering how many there are) and I couldn’t do it. It’s like trying to figure out how tall giants are when they’re towering miles above you. SMB3, Super Mario World, SMRPG, Yoshi’s Isle, SM64, Galaxy, now Odyssey… those are all extremely great.
Yeah, Mario has been in some brilliant games. I’m always surprised by the venom Mario Sunshine gets from Mario diehards….Sonic wishes he could be in a game as good as Mario Sunshine….
I haven’t even played Sunshine but I have a friend who swears by its quality. Mario gets a bum rap as being too kiddie but man he’s been in some highly polished games.
Definately – I can’t think of any ‘main series’ Mario games that have been bad. Not many franchises can say that!
i still think the first super mario advance is the best and most polished version of the usa mario 2.
lost levels in my honest opinion is absolutely terrible – as a sequel to the original, it fails in the sense that literally practically nothing has been changed, and on its’ own, the difficulty is so insane that even a good percentage of most hardcore gamers will have their patience tested by it.
I am not a fan of Lost Levels either, hence my ranking it at the bottom. Whereas the three US Mario games evolved, Lost Levels seems more like a clone spin-off. I bet it was just meant to capitalize on the success of the original. I wonder if it made it to the arcades like the original?
Never realized there were two versions of this. The Super Mario World bonus repackage is one of the few games I’ve played on an actual SNES. Although I mostly played World because of Yoshi.
I have actually never played the version with Super Mario World added. I guess I didn’t double dip there since I already owned World on its own. Yoshi is the best! Poor dude kept getting punched in the head by Mario though…. :*(
Perfect timing for a Mario review! I remember this compilation fondly, thinking I was just getting so much value with so many games on one cart. “How’d they fit them all on there” I can remember thinking. I’d like to see this re-released on Switch virtual console
Thanks! I rushed it out late at night with some wine and some Wonder Woman on the tele, so I know I for sure need to go back to proofread this one hahaha! I just wanted to have something up for the Odyssey occasion. I remember thinking the same thing about it! Four games on one cart! Why not just release them like that all the time? Switch VC… now THAT is something that would really take off. Any word on that from Nintendo? Nothing I’ve heard.
Haven’t heard much either unfortunately. Maybe it’ll come along with the full online rollout stuff
This was one that I owned for a little while I would defiitely agree with SMB3 at the top, but owuld mybe swap 2 and 1 around. I didn’t hate 2 like many people i’ve known, but 1 felt a little better to me. Still, this was a good collection.
Yeah the gap between SMB2 and 1 is much smaller than the gap between SMB3 and everything else. I wouldn’t mind so long as Lost Levels stays at the bottom of the roster haha! SMB2 is one that I think has more replayability than SMB1 and the newness of its world was nice. I remember asking for that cart specifically at a Sears or Woolsworth or something.
2 is definitely one that confused me with the negativity. Sure, it’s a little different, but it’s a perfectly playable game. I must admit though, I had no idea that Lost Levels was the Japanese 2.
Talk about speaking to my childhood! I spent so many hours playing this at my cousin’s house.
Too bad the Super Nintendo didn’t have a counter to show how many hours you spent playing certain games. I am sure that this title would be one of my top 10 most played SNES games. I could play SMB3 for forever.
This one, NBA Jam and Street Fighter would have over 100 hours on them
Breath of Fire II and Chrono Trigger especially would have tons of hours logged into them.
I’m a bit bummed All-Stars wasn’t on the SNES Classic, but I still have my original SNES cartridge (and my original SNES, which is veeeery yellowed but still works just fine!) if I hunger for updated Mario goodness.
I agree that Lost Levels was underwhelming. It was hyped up as the big new thing in All-Stars and I absolutely hated it when I first tried it. I think I still do, though I have mellowed somewhat. I’m actually not a big fan of SMB1’s model generally; the later games refined things like the physics considerably and are consequently much more enjoyable to play.
And shout-out for liking SMB2 (obligatory “actually it was originally called Doki Doki Panic”, etc etc). It doesn’t seem quite as fashionable to hate on this game as it once was, but it’s still a somewhat underappreciated installment in the series that I enjoyed a whole lot and still do — I think mostly because it’s one of the most “adventurey” of the series.
And a lot of people don’t realise that despite its origins as a game based around a completely different set of characters, it was still developed by the core Mario team, including Miyamoto, so there’s nothing “inauthentic” about it.
I would have been super happy if they had included All-Stars on the SNES Classic, even though I have about 3 or 4 different ways to play it already. I felt it would have just been perfect for it to have made it on to the roster.
Same. Like I said, you don’t buy the SNES Classic for new games. How many people bought it “just for” Star Fox 2? You buy a lot of Nintendo because you want what you remember. There’s something rattling around in my All-Stars cart so I don’t know how much longer it’ll be with me, but at least when it finally kicks the bucket, there are other ways to play these classics.
Hey thanks for the stellar comment! I have my All-Stars cart still too, to inform this review, and my SNES is still tickin’. What a hardy device. It would’ve been an easy way to fit four games into one spot if they’d included it on the SNES Classic, though.
Yeah when I first played Lost Levels, I immediately turned it off, simply because it wasn’t anything other than just SMB1 to me. SMB1 is pretty fun to me, but familiarity is a large part of that, and Lost Levels took that away to replace it with harsh difficulty. I still don’t really dig it, though hating games has generally mellowed out for me anyway. Compared to SMB3 though, Lost Levels is barely even worthy of note.
Oh no! The actually-police found me! Haha just kidding. Yeah the origins of SMB2 are fascinating and that’s for a review for another day. SMB2 was one of the few games I remember picking out specifically myself as a child, and I have enjoyed it since. It’s nice to have a black sheep among the NES titles. I always thought it was dumb to hate on it. Fads and trends.