Celebratory Post: 50k hits – Swimsuit Calendar!

“Wait wait wait wait wait…
What’s this about a Mages Swimsuit Calendar?”
Mr. Panda (circa last November)

Well, the day is finally here. We’ve reached 50,000 views and 800 followers! Thank you, dear NPCs, our beloved readers, for your support over all this time. Thank you also to our contributors who have helped craft the direction of this blog and fill out its resumé of reviews. Today also marks the day that I fulfill a long-running promise of sorts. Way back in 2016 when we expanded into analyzing other areas of pop culture, I pursed the question: “What’s next? Literature? Cosplay? Our own swimsuit calendar modeled by yours truly?”
Now you get your wish. Announcing the 2018 Mage Swimsuit Calendar. To celebrate. NSFW??

The Well-Red Mage
doesn’t just have a Brobdingnagian vocabulary, he also has killer abs and can rock a two-piece.


The Timely Mage
is a stickler for accuracy and a one-console kind of guy.


The Moronic Cheese Mage
enjoys a Gouda Frappucino in the California sun.


The Spoony Bard Mage
has a fancy for eating utensils and songs about being a waif.


The Green Screen Mage
likes Windows XP and Photoshop fakery.


The White Out Mage
sizzles through typos and grammatical errors alike.


The Shamrock Show Mage
 binge watches television but manages to keep his figure.


The Five More Minutes Mage 
makes narcolepsy look fashionable again.


The Midnight Mystic Mage
loves a good horror story and summoning Cthulhu.


The Evergreen Sage Mage 
enjoys contemplation on 18th century Icelandic literature.


The Black Humor Mage
likes long walks on the beach at night and dark comedies.


The Rage Mage
hates all life so here he is posing next to a dead fish.

Don’t you wish your waifu was hot like me? Thanks for everything, readers. I hope you got a good laugh or two. 😉
-The Well-Red Mage
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51 thoughts on “Celebratory Post: 50k hits – Swimsuit Calendar!

  1. Yeeeeeesssssssss!!!!!!
    Ahem.. *Coughs* I mean….
    *Sternly* well done sir, I raise my hat to you!!!
    & still loving the Well Red & Mr. Panda connection.. *Sings* Memories are made of these.. Kinds of joys!!!

    1. Hahaha thanks a lot for being a big part of our team reaching this number! I’m happy to have had the conversations we’ve had and thanks for getting a kick out of our sizzling summer special.

    1. I’m happy to know you got a laugh out of it! That makes the photoshop work worth it. Well, I laughed too. Thanks very much for commenting and stopping in. We literally couldn’t have reached this number without you!

  2. Even though I have only been following your blog for a few days now, I can understand why it’s so popular. It is a really awesome blog yiu have here. Congratulations on getting so many hits, that really is quite an achievement 😊 And this swimsuit calendar is seriously funny 😂

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words! It’s very encouraging and it makes us want to keep pushing for better content. I’m happy to know our sexy swimsuit calendar earned a few chortles 😉

    1. Hahaha I thought about putting them all in a printable PDF with the actual calendar boxes but that’s too much work. I wish I owned all the images so I could market them. I saw an x-ray swimsuit calendar some years back at Barnes & Noble with skeletons posing and thought it was hilarious, so that was the germ for this. Thanks!

  3. Congratulations! I was planning on doing something similar when I hit my next milestone. I’ll leave a link to this when I get around to writing it :).

  4. Congratulations on 50K views!!! Well done mages! I’m glad to see my one of the best quotes I’ve ever made in life ever headlining this amazing work of art. Needs more NSFW warning. 😛

    1. Best quote ever. I just knew I had to track it down through our backs and forths over the past year and some change. Thanks for being a part of our journey and I’m happy to be a part of yours! Best wishes, Mr. P! And now when can we expect a Panda swimsuit calendar? HMMM?!

      1. I fear what other quotes I’ve left in the annals. <- By the way, feel free to use that in the future. 😛 And a Panda swimsuit calendar. That's definitely interesting, except it would actually be less revealing since pandas tend to be bare already, hmmmmmm..,

        1. Hm hm let’s see… your social security number… a confession that you like to sleep in mayonnaise… that you’re really looking forward to the Super Mario and rabbids cross-over…

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