How pertinent! It’s almost the Fourth of July here in the States and The Well-Red Mage is launching the fireworks. We’re celebrating reaching 10,000 views! Yes, that’s over 9,000. Thank you.
No, really. Thank you! I can’t keep up with these celebratory posts because of our active and loyal followers breathing life into our blog. We appreciate you. Normally I’ve tried to give something back to our community with some behind-the-scenes glimpses of our favorite games, specifically with concept art galleries. But this is a 10k celebration. We needed something more.
Cue an epiphany.
Maybe you’ve said to yourself, “Gosh…” if anyone says ‘gosh’ anymore, “Gosh, I sure do wish I was as cool as the Mages over at The Well-Red Mage.” Well, sir or madam, now you can be. Introducing the brand-spankin’ new Magification Name Generator! Now you too can have a smarmy Mage name. Haha, I know! You’re welcome!
Here’s how it works. Select an adjective based on your gender and the first letter of your first name or the first letter of your last. If you’re female, thus, you choose an adjective from the left column based on your first name. Or if you’re male, you choose a word from the right side based on the first letter of your last name. After that, you get your color based on the day of the month you were born.
Example: Slarti Bartfast, male, born July 1st.
Mage Name: The Bombastic Azure Mage.
Do you capiche? Have fun and be sure to share the oddball results with us in the comments below!
-The Well-Red Mage
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Well done on surpassing 10k hits! Hope you have a fun 4th off July.
Thank you! You too, and be safe!
I gotta say, the “Jovial Monolithio Mage” has a neat little ring to it.
Congrats from the Wistful Silver Mage!
Oooh a Silver Mage in our midst! Thanks lol
Congrats team!
Thank ya! Did you get a Mage name?
I’m afraid not. At the risk of sounding stupid… I didn’t really understand it
Ah that’s alright, I think I made it overly complicated. My bad! Just pick an adjective from the column on the left based on the first letter of your first name. So if you’re name is Alex, you pick the adjective marked “A”. Then you pick your color based on the day of your birth. So if you were born on the 5th of whatever month, you’d pick the color marked “5”. And that’s it!
hopefully I did a better job explaining.
SO my bad again, I accidentally told you to pick from the female column. The guy column is on the right.
Wow, how did you get so quickly to 10k??? Great job!
I have no idea. But thank you!
Congrats on 10k! From the Wistful Red Mage.
Yay, fellow Red Mages Unite! Let’s dominate the world with nostalgia!
Rahaha! Red Mages are the best, as everyone knows!
Exactly! Can’t say no to that badass hat and cape.
That’s what it’s all about!
The Radiant Peach Mage.. Wow that’s so girly for me XD
Anyway congrats, i absolutely love your blog
Thank you! Glad you got an appropriate name! The Mage generator does not lie.
The Soaring Crimson Mage.
Oh, I’m fabulous, darling.
The Asinine Chocolate Mage. I’m not sure how I feel about this lol. I mean it matches my skin tone, and I AM pretty asinine though :p
The Mage generator can tell no lies? Haha thanks for participating!
Better than me! Say hi to the Horrific Chocolate Mage.
Hahaha “Horrific Chocolate” is now a thing!
How can chocolate ever be horrific?? Ridiculous…
I knew a guy who was allergic to chocolate. Poor soul…
It’s more common than you think. Awful.
The Bombastic Amber Mage?
Haha sorry, but the Mage generator has spoken. Own that bombasticality! Thanks!
10k?? GOSH, Congratulations! Signed The Artistic Forest Mage.
Thank ya! And that’s a legit Mage name! Welcome to the clan.
Haha thanks! Proud to be Mageworthy!